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The Poison in Your Teeth: Mercury Amalgam (Silver) Fillings . . .Hazardous to Your Health - $14.95 -
Written by Tom McGuire, DDS, one of the leading authorities on mercury amalgam (silver fillings), mercury detoxification, and chronic mercury poisoning, The Poison in Your Teeth explains why mercury amalgam (silver) fillings are hazardous to your health. Over 150 million people in the U.S. have them and they continuously release mercury vapor, the most poisonous, naturally occurring, non-radioactive substance on earth. Mercury emitted from these fillings contributes to more than 100 serious health problems, including heart and autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue, depression and memory loss. Mercury from the mother’s amalgams poisons the fetus and nursing baby and is the primary cause of autism. If you are confused, uncertain, or curious about amalgam fillings and want an objective and insightful explanation about what to do about them, The Poison in Your Teeth is the book for you. Also available as an eBook.
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The Poison in Your Teeth is also available as an eBook!
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Mercury Detoxification: The Natural Way to Remove Mercury from Your Body - $19.95 -
Written by Tom McGuire, DDS, one of the leading authorities on mercury detoxification, chronic mercury poisoning, and mercury amalgam silver fillings, this book is the A to Z guide for safely and naturally removing mercury from the body. Mercury is a serious health hazard and you can never be truly healthy as long as it is still stored in your body. This book will become your self-help guide to participating in an effective mercury detox program and will provide you with all the information you need to understand and deal with this critically important health issue. If you want the opportunity to improve your health, well being, and live longer; this book is for you! Also available as an eBook.
Mercury Detoxification: Order Book
Mercury Detoxification is also available as an eBook!
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Written in plain English, with a laugh-while-you-learn approach, this wonderfully illustrated book makes learning about dental health not only painless, but entertaining. If you are serious about saving your teeth, improving your health, save money and time . . . to learn more please take the opportunity to browse Healthy Teeth - Healthy Body. And rememberyou don’t have to take care of all of your teethonly the ones you want to keep! Also available as an eBook.
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Healthy Teeth is also available as an eBook!
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