Mercury and Amalgam Fillings & Oral Health & Overall Health: ReferencesMercury Safe Dentists & Amalgam Free Dentist, Holistic Dentists: Click Here to Find One in Your Area The Poison in Your Teeth: Book Mercury Detoxification & Gum Disease Prevention Supplement Watch Dr. Tom McGuire's References for Mercury & Oral Health TopicsThe following is a list of references supporting the relationship between or and overall health. A detailed list of references regarding mercury amalgam fillings and mercury detoxification can be found in The Poison in Your Teeth: Mercury Amalgam (Silver) Fillings . . . Hazardous to Your Health and Your Complete Guide to Mercury Detoxification: How to Safely Remove Mercury from Your Teeth and Body. If your interest in this subject goes deeper and you would like to access the world's largest database of references with abstracts regarding mercury amalgam fillings, chronic mercury poisoning, and mercury detoxification please go to References and Abstracts. The references below have been broken into categories to make your search easier. Click on Topic of Interest Below!Dental Disease and Overall Health Relationship of Oral to Overall HealthMercury and Amalgam FillingsA study of the release of mercury vapor from different types of amalgam alloys. Berglund A. J Dent Res 72:939-946, 1993. Mercury in saliva and feces after removal of amalgam fillings. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. Bjorkman L, et al. 144(1):156-162, 1997. Effects of mercury on human polymorphonuclear leukocyte function. Contrino J, et al. Am J Pathol 132:1, 110-118, July 1988. Speciation of mercury excreted in feces from individuals with amalgam fillings. Engqvist A, et al. Arch Environ Health 53(3):205-213, 1998. Mercury vapor in the oral cavity in relation to the number of amalgam fillings. Lichtenberg H. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine 11:2, 87-94, 1996. Mercury exposure from silver tooth fillings: Lorscheider, et al. Emerging evidence questions a paradigm. FASEB J 9:504-508, 1995. Intraoral galvanic corrosion. Meyer RD, et al. Prosthet Dent 69(2):142-143, 1993. Long term corrosion studies of amalgams and casting alloys in contact. Moberg LE. Acta Odontal Scand 43:163-177, 1985. Electric current around dental metals as a factor producing allergic metal ions in the oral cavity. Nogi N. Nippon Hifuka Gakkai Zasshi 99(12):1243-1254, 1989. Localized galvanic shock after insertion of amalgam restoration. Owens BM, et al. Compenium 14(10):1302, 1304, 1306-1307, 1993. Polymorphonuclear phagocytosis and killing workers exposed to inorganic mercury. Perlingeiro RC, et al. Int J Immunopharmacol 16:12,1011-1017, 1994. Mercury poisoning from dental amalgam. Pleva J. J of Orthomol Med 4(3):141-148, 1989. The effects of dental amalgam on Mercury levels in expired air. Savare CW, et al. J Dent Res 60(9):1668-1671, 1981. Human exposure to Hg and Ag released from dental amalgam restorations. Skare I, et al. Archives of Environmental Health 49(5):384-394, 1994. Influence of amalgam fillings on urinary mercury excretion. Soleo L, et al. G Ital Med Lav Ergon 20(2):75-78, 1998. Studies of mercury vapor in the oral cavity in relation to the number of amalgam fillings. Toomvali C. IFM-Kemi-EX 150, 1988. Altered porphyrin metabolism as a biomarker of mercury exposure and toxicity. Woods JS. J Physiol Pharmacol 74 (2): 210-215, 1996. Dental Disease and Overall HealthMasticatory performance and efficiency in denture wearers. Kapur KK, et al. J Prosthet Dent 14:687-694, 1964. Bacterial profiles of subgingival plaques in periodontitis. Loesche, et al. Journal of Periodontal 56:447-456, 1985. Healthy Teeth - Healthy Body: How to Iimprove Your Oral and Overall Health. McGuire T. Sebastopol, California: St. Michael’s Press, 1994. Causes and control of dental caries. Shaw JH. New England Journal of Medicine 317:996-1004, 1987. Prevalence and antimicrobial sensitivity of Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonadaciae and Acinetobacter in human periodontitis. Slots J, et al. Oral Microbiol Immunol 5:149-154, 1990. Yeasts, enteric rods and pseudomonads in the subgingival flora of severe adult periodontitis. Slots J, et al. Oral Microbiol Immunol 3:47-52, 1988. Fluoride: The Aging Factor. Yiamouyiannis J. Health Action Press, 1993. Relationship of Oral to Overall HealthGeneralAnaerobic bacterial infections of the lung. Bartlett J: Chest 91:901-909, 1987. Nutrient intake and gastrointestinal disorders related to masticatory performance in the edentulous elderly. Brodeur J-M, et al. J Prosthet Dent 70:468-473, 1993. Methodological and nutritional issues in assessing the oral health of aged subjects. Carlos JP, et al. Am J Clin Nutr 50:1210-1218, 1989. Nutritional regulation of immunity and risk of infection in old age. Chandra KK. Immunology 67:141-147, 1989. Bacteremia following dental extraction and its prophylaxis. 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British Medical Journal 306:688-691, March 13, 1993. Association between acute cerebrovascular ischemia and chronic and recurrent infection. Grau AJ, et al. Stroke 28:1724-1729, 1997. Autoimmune mechanism in human vascular disease. Mathews JD, et al. Lancet 2:1423-1427, 1974. Association between dental health and acute myocardial infarction. Mattila KJ, et al. British Medical Journal 298:779-782, March 25, 1989. Missing teeth and ischemic heart disease in men aged 45-64 years. Paunio K, et al. Eur Heart J 14 (suppl K):54-56, 1993. Dental infections in association with cerebral infarction in young and middle-aged men. Syrjänen J, et al. Journal of Internal Medicine 225:179-184, March 1989. Preceding infection as an important risk factor for ischaemic brain infarction in young and middle aged patients. Syrjänen J, et al. British Medical Journal 296:1156-1160, 1988. Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans pneumonia with possible septic embolozation. Venkataramani A, et al. Chest 105:645-46, 1994. Oral disease burden in patients undergoing prosthetic heart valve implantation. Terezhalmy GT, et al. Ann Thorac Surg. 1997 Feb;63(2):402-4. Dental Disease and Women’s HealthThe contribution of of low birth weight to infant mortality and childhood morbidity. McCormick MC. New England Journal of Medicine 312:82-90, 1985 Periodontal infection as a possible risk factor for preterm low birth weight. Offenbacher S, et al. Journal of Periodontology 67:1103-1113, 1996. Antepartum Dental Radiography and Infant Low Birth Weight. Philippe P et al. JAMA. 2004; 291:1987-1993. Periodontal therapy may reduce the risk of preterm low birth weight in women with periodontal disease: a randomized controlled trial. Lopez NJ, et al. J Periodontol. 2002 Aug;73(8):911-24. Women's health issues and their relationship to periodontitis. Krejci CB, Bissada NF. J Am Dent Assoc. 2002 Mar;133(3):323-9. |