Dr. Tom McGuire's Dental Marketing Program:
Marketing & Growing a Mercury Safe Practice
Mercury Safe Dentists, Amalgam Filling Free Dentists, and Holistic Dentists
Continuous Loop Patient Education DVD - Mercury: The Poison in Your Teeth
Mercury Safe Dentists Intenet Directory: Click Here for Listing
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Tom McGuire's Video: Mercury
Amalgam Fillings; The Poison in Your Teeth
Marketing and Growing a Mercury Safe Dental Practice
Dr. Tom McGuire is an expert on Marketing and Growing a Mercury Safe Dental Practice. With over 30 years experience as a Holistic, Mercury Safe and Mercury Free dentist, he has developed a Marketing Program designed to cost-effectively promote a Mercury Safe Practice. His program is guaranteed to generate new patients and increase revenues.
Dr. McGuire's program is easy to follow and easy to implement. It is laid out in a step-by-step format using the Marketing Program's Table of Contents - seen on this page. The Program is broken into 4 Segments and each Segment has its own Table of Contents, making it easy to move around within the program. This way you can easily select the Segment, or parts of a Segment, that you want to implement. No marketing expertise is required and Dr. McGuire and his marketing team will work with your and your staff to customize the program to fit your practice. (If you have a specific person handling your marketing just provide them with this link.)
Reviewing Dr. Tom's Marketing Program is simple. Follow the order in the Table of Contents and each step will be clearly explained. The Program is Free for Dentists listed on Dr. Tom's Mercury Safe Dentist Internet Directory. They also receive substantial discounts on his books and booklets. - which are esssential to the success of Segments 1 & 2. If you are not Listed on his Directory and would like more information about it, you can access the homepage by Clicking on Mercury Safe Dentist Internet Directory.
This is the Online Version of Dr. McGuire's Marketing Program and
it is put Online to allow you to quickly review and move through he
entire program. But it does not contain the Word Documents or
Images necessary to implement it. Thus, while it will tell you all
you need to know about it, it can't be fully implemented from this
Online Version. Once you have reviewed the Program Online you can
contact us and we will send you, in an Email Format, the Word
Documents and Images that you will need to implement the program.
Upon request we will send you sample printed booklets and copies of
Dr. Tom's books.)
Marketing & Growing a Mercury Safe Practice |
Marketing Program Table of Contents |
Segments 1 & 2: Referrals from Health Practitioners & Making Patient Education Profitable |
Given the increased competition for patients, and the fact that a Mercury Safe Practice is the new growth area in dentistry, it is definitely the time to be proactive regarding marketing it. I know that once you review the material you'll quickly understand that its goal just isn't promoting your Mercury Safe Practice, and to make sure you stand out from the competition, but ultimately about increasing your exposure and generating new patients within your community.
The Marketing Program will also show you how to make Patient Education Profitable, and ultimately, how to use patient education to Generate New Patients. I know you'll appreciate how creative and effective it is. Each Segment is self-explanatory so I won't go into anything about them here.
I practiced for 23 years and know how hectic it is to manage a dental practice but you'll soon see how easy the Program is to implement and how cost-effective it will be. Because you are Listed on my Directory there is no charge for the Marketing Program. Understanding why promoting yourself as being Mercury Safe and as the Education Dentist, both for Search Engines and within your community and city, is the essential key to growing your practice during these challenging financial times.
As the expert in Marketing and Promoting a Mercury Safe Practice, I definitely encourage you to review all 4 Segments as they cover different, but important marketing segments of your practice. I put them in this order because of the impact they can have on your practice but it is up to you to decide which order to implement them.
Keep in mind that you use any, or all of each Segment, and you can phase them into your practice as you see fit.
- Segment 1: How to Generate Referrals from Health Practitioners
- Segment 2: Making Patient Education Profitable
- Segment 3: Patient Handouts to Educate & Promote Your Practice
- Segment 4: Educational and Promotional Links to Add to Your Website
I enjoy working with those who understand and appreciate the importance of cost-effective marketing and both Susan and I will be available to help you implement it and answer any questions you may have. You can reach Susan Toll Free at 800-335-7755 or me at my personal Toll Free number 877-363-1428. Or you can email Susan by Clicking Here!
Be well and stay safe,
Dr. Tom
Segments 1 & 2 - Referrals from Health Practitions & Making Patient Education Profitable
Segment 3 - Patient Handouts to Educate & Promote Your Practice
Segment 4 - Educational & Promotional Links to Add to Your Website