The Poison in Your Teeth
Mercury Amalgam (Silver) Fillings . . . Hazardous to Your Health!

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Mercury Detoxification . . . The Poison in Your Teeth . . . Healthy Teeth – Healthy Body
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The Poison in Your Teeth: Mercury Amalgam (Silver) Fillings . . . Hazardous to Your Health!
The Poison in Your Teeth clearly explains why amalgam (silver) fillings are hazardous to your health. Mercury amalgam fillings continuously release mercury vapor, the most poisonous, naturally occurring, non-radioactive substance on earth, into your body. The mercury amalgams emit contributes to over 100 health issues, including:
- heart disease
- autoimmune diseases, such as, fibromyalgia and Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
- Allergies
- neurological problems, including depression, memory loss, anxiety and fine tremors
Written for the layperson, Dr. McGuire's book is informative, easy to read and understand, and fully documented. Dr. Tom's book explains how:
- mercury is released from amalgam (silver) fillings, stored in the body, and damages health.
- mercury from amalgams is a cause of autism, learning and developmental disorders.
- to find a mercury free and mercury safe dentist.
- to have these toxic fillings safely removed.
- to safely and naturally POISONify mercury from the body.
The Poison in Your Teeth is a must for women who are planning to have a family and are unsure or skeptical about how these fillings affect them, the fetus, and child. It’s also a vitally important book for dentists and health professionals, and anyone who wants to improve their overall health. It's especially for anyone who is skeptical, uncertain, or confused about having these safely removed and replaced.